For some reason all my pictures are backwards so ill just go in the order they are in. Aiden got a Toys r Us gift card from my uncle and i decided to get him a potty chair with it since he didn't have one yet. All the next day he didn't do anything in it even though he liked sitting on it. Then the next morning Cody was getting ready for work and Aiden woke up so he took him straight to the potty and yes he peed! It sure was a lot of pee but he did it! That night before his shower i sat him on it while i was getting everything ready then he stood up and looked in the potty and yet again he had peed! I of course was so excited calling him a big boy and singing Aiden peed in the potty lol. Twice in one day is pretty good if i say so myself! For Christmas Eve we went to my moms house for dinner. It's like our family's little tradition of eating polish food and doing polish traditions. After that we head over to my grandmas to open presents. I didn't have my camera so i didn't take any pictures. Christmas morning we opened our gifts and Aiden is still not into unwrapping things. He does like the gifts he gets though! His favorite out of everything was a talking lightning mcqueen car that daddy got for him. Then we went to my other grandmas house for lunch and opening gifts there. I got a new camera from my bro in law so i only got a few pictures of that. It was a very nice Holiday spent with family and eating yummy food! I am so sad that it is over but very excited that next year there will be a new little one to spend it with!
When i was pregnant with Aiden i went to my Mom's work and we "took a peek" inside. She is a labor and delivery nurse so she had a little ultrasound machine to play with. I was 19 weeks along with Aiden when i went in. Unfortunately we couldn't see anything but him crossing his legs and covering himself with his hands lol. So the day after Christmas (i was exactly 16 weeks)my mom invited me to come in again and we got to see our little munchkin! The little guy waved to us and was dancing all over the place! I cant feel anything yet though but he sure was moving! I have been saying "he" because we were able to see between the legs and it looked a lot like Aiden's ultrasound when we found out he was a boy! So what Cody is saying is that we are 95% sure it is another boy. We wont find out officially for another month so there is still that 5% chance its a girl. But from what i saw i believe we are having another boy =]
brothers are so fun, and you get to dress them alike for pictures :)
that would be fun to have a couple of brothers :) girls are SUPER fun though too, so you win either way!
that would be fun to have a couple of brothers :) girls are SUPER fun though too, so you win either way!
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