Sunday, April 1, 2012

We got Snow again!

WOOO!! We also got to witness it falling this time and man did it fall hard! Thank you Miss Heather Case for correcting me about my last winter post. It is my favorite SEASON! But it is true that in California winter barely lasts a month. Here are some wintery pictures for your viewing pleasure!

Again Dillan was not too fond of the snow and wanted to ride in his favorite swing at the park.
Until next time. =]

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Let There be Snow!

Winter is my absolute favorite month. What can i say i LOVE cold weather. Living in California we don't get cold weather that often, so last night when it was 30 something degrees and i had to drive home in snow...i must say i was rejoicing! I didn't however rejoice about the people driving like idiots and like they haven't seen snow before in their lives...lets just keep it at that.

The snow didn't fall long but my boys loved seeing it. Aiden woke up this morning and was bummed to look outside to only frost on a few blades of grass. But i made his day better =]

We went to a park that was at a slightly higher elevation than our house. It was pretty nice being the only ones there to use the snow soaked playground =]

My camera shy child. As soon as he sees me pull out the camera he always turns the other way. I stuck him in the swing and refused to push him until he said cheese. This was the outcome.

I wish it would snow more often and we didn't get so jipped on our winters. The boys had fun though. We even got interviewed by the Press Enterprise about the snow! Until next time =]

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Valentine's Day/Bunnies

This Valentine's Day was pretty relaxed for this little family. I had the day off so i got to spend it with 2 of my main men. No cute pictures of my little boys they did not want to co-operate with me but i did put them in red nonetheless! My husband surprised me on his way home from work with lilies(one of my favorite flowers...not a fan of roses) and lobster tails. The lobster tails were raw of course so i googled how to cook them and they turned out like this!

The only other time we had even tried lobster was at Sizzler. Probably not the best choice to even eat lobster there but it was pretty darn good. I have to say though that the one's i made were way better! So sayanara Sizzler from now on I'm making mine!


We added 2 new members to our family today. We have been contemplating on getting some sort of pet for our kids and we couldn't come up with an answer. We have experience with owning a fish tank so we would know what to expect with getting another one. But fish tanks these days are quite expensive. Then we thought about getting a gecko because it would be low maintenance and frankly we don't have time to care for a dog or cat. We also had the thought of getting a hamster since we had owned one before. The one we had owned before somehow got out of her cage and was loose in Cody's Dad's house for a couple days. After he caught her and locked her back up she then barricaded herself and practically committed hamster suicide.

So as we were scoping out all the possibilities we came across the bunnies. We talked with the people that worked the store and they are very low maintenance. We would be able to have the cage outside and cleaning out the cage once a week would be no problem. The bunnies they had were also very people friendly so we thought we would give it a shot(plus they gave us a good deal). So meet Murphy and Looloo Bunny. We don't know if they really are a girl and a boy and we wont know for quite some time. They are too young at the moment to tell the gender. But needless to say they are pretty darn cute.

Murphy a bit camera shy =]

Looloo Bunny

The boys and their bunnies. They do love them!

Aiden loving on Loo

I will try to keep you updated if we find out which bunny is a boy and which is a girl. For all we know they could be the same gender! Until next time!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Here are some photos from the holidays and what we have been doing recently! I am so behind so only photos and short notes about everything! I hope you enjoy =]

One of my favorite ornaments.

The star on our tree.

Items from my mantle.

More of the mantle.

The wreath i made for this holiday season...i love it!

Christmas at Nana's house. They are admiring the gift i made them in this picture.

Christmas at Grandma Nisha's and Grandpa Harold's House.

Christmas morning at our house. The boys enjoying their presents. Daddy and Aiden are also in the tent that Dillan is crawling into.

Aiden giving me the sink eye because he couldn't open his present. Daddy bought foil lined wrapping paper that wouldn't even rip.

Dillan Christmas morning. Love his big brown eyes!

Recently we went to the park with my brother and his girlfriend for a picnic. It was alot of fun and the kids had a blast!!

Aiden's signature face. He gets it from his favorite movie The Nightmare Before Christmas.

I love these boys!

Aiden picked an orange on our walk around the park.

A couple days ago our toilet had plugged and overflowed our bathroom. After much plungering i was done and had come to the conclusion that something was flushed by one of the boys. I interrogated Aiden and got absolutely nothing from him. Since Dillan isn't old enough to tell me anything except he is hungry or needs a diaper change, i figured it was him. My dad came by to give it a look and he had to move the toilet outside to get whatever it was that was jammed inside of it, out. I heard him laughing outside and i knew he had gotten it out. Low and behold it was a half eaten apple. I knew it was Dillan all along!

My little rugrat Dillan also got into some more trouble this morning. He brought the powdered sugar from this morning's french toast down from the counter and all of the floor and himself. Ofcourse Aiden was right there next to him. It made for some cute pictures and one sticky floor!

Until next time!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

2011 In Review

So 2011 has been such an eventful year. I can not wait for all the exciting things that 2012 brings. So here is a quick update on the family. Christmas was awesome as usual. Its so great to see all the family members and be able to celebrate the birth of our savior. I am still a working mom. It is so hard sometimes but i know it will be worth it in the long run. It is also nice that i work at the same place as my husband, easier transport wise and we get to take lunches together...who wouldn't want that?! We have been going back and forth about weather or not to move. We absolutely love Calimesa and the seclusion it has. Also seeing the cows on the hill in front of a sunrise is pretty awesome too! But we would like to be closer to both of our families and would love to move back to Redlands. But as of right now we are staying put!
The boys are doing amazing. Aiden is now a sunbeam and it is so cute to see him during primary. We are the teachers for valiant 9 so we watch his every move! Dillan is supposed to be in the nursery but he is in the transitioning phase of clinging to mommy and actually going into the nursery. They spend their time with both grandparents while me and Cody are at work. We know that they are in good hands.
The husband also got me a spiffy new camera which is currently my 2nd love..but shh don't tell Cody that!
Life is flying by so fast i wish it would stop so that i can catch up with all the things that are happening. I hope to have some more updated photos for your viewing pleasure soon! So until next time! =]

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Halloween/Dillan's First Hair cut

This year's Halloween season was so much fun! Even though i had to work on Halloween it was all good! I helped the husband decorate his cubicle for a decorating contest and he won!! I'm sad though that we didn't get pictures. We always have next year =] Anywho this year little Aiden was Peter Pan and Dillan a Pirate(who looked like Shmee by the way). I had wanted our whole family to match this year since i was sort of undecided on what the kids should be and Aiden doesn't really have a favorite anything we thought the cheap but cute costumes would do! I didn't dress up this year, i know sad, but next year our whole family is going to match...hopefully. We already bought Aiden's costume for next year and we got a smokin' deal 70% off at target...i suggest you go! Aiden's costume came with all of Peter Pan's swag...and i must say even though i am a fan of the color green it was absolutely too much green! So i told my mom to keep an eye out for some brown pants and lo and behold she found some!! Leave it to her to find anything! So it made my little Pan less green and more adorable! We also did all the Halloween traditions too, the pumpkin carving, pumpkin patch visiting, Disneyland and such. Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure.
We broke the rules for this picture but shhh don't tell anybody =]

As we were trick or treating on Halloween night 4 people had called my little Dillan a girl and the husband had it. It was time to cut his precious locks(super sad face). I didn't like it one bit but i also promised Cody that he could cut his hair after Halloween. I never thought i would get so attached to his adorable hair. So here are the before and afters. I must admit i did tear up while it was getting cut...Cody did promise me that we wont need to cut his hair until his next birthday...and i am going to hold him to it!

He is still a cute little boy though. And i am still complaining about not liking his hair but well see how it grows on me.
Until next time =]

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Quick Update

I have been gone from blog world for a little bit but i am gradually getting into a groove to where i will have some time for myself!!What!? Anyways here is what has been going on in our lives!! Cody and i have been working at the same place for almost 2 months now. I like it. Pay is better than what we had and i get to talk to people my age which helps me to keep my sanity. I only work 3 days a week which helps me keep my sanity as well...if that doesn't make sense then i think i may be loosing my sanity! So with all this working my children have of course been acting out a tad bit. Aiden more than Dillan, although he does love seeing Bama and Papa every now and then, he isn't used to me being gone all the time, which feels like alot lately. But thankfully we will be moving to a new building and hopefully be having no more overtime soon. Other than that my boys have been doing good. Aiden has been such a crack up lately. Thursday morning while Cody was getting ready for work(i have Tuesdays and Thursdays off) he decided it was time for Aiden's million questions hour. Here is how it went
Aiden:Are you going to take a shower?
Cody: Yes i am.
Aiden: Are you going to work?
Cody:Yes i am.
Aiden: Are you going to get an umbrella for my Christmas?
Cody: What?
I just couldn't lay there quiet anymore i was laughing. For some reason Aiden has a massive obsession with umbrellas. So lately he has been asking for one and he says it exactly how it is worded above. We went to payless today to get him a new pair of shoes and he of course spotted the buzz lightyear children's umbrella and refused to put it back. Since i am sick and he behaved pretty awesomely all day i decided it wasn't worth it to drag a screaming 3 year old out of payless and across the parking lot with just his shoes. He has had it open in our house all day long(I'm not one for superstitions) and even took a little nap on the floor under it, i must admit it was pretty cute.
Dillan's favorite song is patty cake, and he also brings some comic relief into our lives. I think he is the funniest kid alive sometimes. He also loves any toy that makes music. He climbs on our coffee table, couches, chairs, anything taller than him you name it! He even surprised me yesterday and got up onto our bed(which is pretty tall by the way).
I have been doing pretty well. Eating right has led me to lose 3 pounds which i am so proud of myself! I would like to get to my pre Aiden weight but i know that most likely wont happen, but it would be nice to lose another 5!
We traded in our 2005 Toyota Corolla and bought a 2010 Hyundai Elantra. We were planning on buying 2 cars since i only work 3 days a week and Cody works 5 but that didn't happen. So we will wait patiently for our 2ND car and hopefully buying it will be easy since we know what we want.
We plan on going on our "honeymoon" next October. We plan to go to Hawaii but need to price things out first. Hopefully we can get a good deal. It would be nice to go on a week vacation with out our kids instead of just 1 night at a time.
So that has been pretty much our crazy life for the past 2 months. I promise to post pictures next time...hopefully soon!! I just found our camera battery charger and i plan on taking pictures of our family soon!! Until next time =]