Saturday, November 5, 2011

Halloween/Dillan's First Hair cut

This year's Halloween season was so much fun! Even though i had to work on Halloween it was all good! I helped the husband decorate his cubicle for a decorating contest and he won!! I'm sad though that we didn't get pictures. We always have next year =] Anywho this year little Aiden was Peter Pan and Dillan a Pirate(who looked like Shmee by the way). I had wanted our whole family to match this year since i was sort of undecided on what the kids should be and Aiden doesn't really have a favorite anything we thought the cheap but cute costumes would do! I didn't dress up this year, i know sad, but next year our whole family is going to match...hopefully. We already bought Aiden's costume for next year and we got a smokin' deal 70% off at target...i suggest you go! Aiden's costume came with all of Peter Pan's swag...and i must say even though i am a fan of the color green it was absolutely too much green! So i told my mom to keep an eye out for some brown pants and lo and behold she found some!! Leave it to her to find anything! So it made my little Pan less green and more adorable! We also did all the Halloween traditions too, the pumpkin carving, pumpkin patch visiting, Disneyland and such. Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure.
We broke the rules for this picture but shhh don't tell anybody =]

As we were trick or treating on Halloween night 4 people had called my little Dillan a girl and the husband had it. It was time to cut his precious locks(super sad face). I didn't like it one bit but i also promised Cody that he could cut his hair after Halloween. I never thought i would get so attached to his adorable hair. So here are the before and afters. I must admit i did tear up while it was getting cut...Cody did promise me that we wont need to cut his hair until his next birthday...and i am going to hold him to it!

He is still a cute little boy though. And i am still complaining about not liking his hair but well see how it grows on me.
Until next time =]